Budget Status

See Budget History
Status so far this month (1st - 17th Apr)
Spent So Far
Budget pacing so far this moth: 7% over
Projected status for month of April
Projected Spend
Allocated Monthly
Budget pacing so far this moth: 7% over

Allocated budget and spend

Monthly Total
Daily Budget
Daily Budget
Target monthly budget

Pacing: Target monthly budget is 40% higher than the projected monthly spend.

Pacing: No target monthly budget defined yet.

Target monthly budget alerts and actions:

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.
==>> state second input fill
Target monthly budget

Pacing: No target monthly budget defined yet.

Target monthly budget alerts and actions:

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.
==>> state second save data
Target monthly budget

Pacing: Target monthly budget is 40% higher than the projected monthly spend.

Target monthly budget alerts and actions:
==>> state second show data labels
Target monthly budget

Pacing: No target monthly budget defined yet.

Target monthly budget alerts and actions:

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.
==>> state second warning inform data -
Target monthly budget

Pacing: Target monthly budget is 40% higher than the projected monthly spend.

Target monthly budget alerts and actions:

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.

Alert me when the account spend is 90% of target budget

Your account spend is 95% of your target budget.

Budget Optimization Opportunities

Your budget is fully optimized. You’re not missing any impression as none of your campaigns is budgetcappted.

Budget Optimization Opportunities

You have campaign budgets (or shared budgets) which are limited due to a budget cap. Boost their performance by increasing these budgets. View the recommendations for more details.

Limited Budgets


Potential Clicks Increase


Potential Impressions Increase


Potential Conversions Increase


Budget Allocation Manager

To allocate your budget efficiently between several campaigns or shared budgets, please first select the relevant budgets in the below grid:

Set the
budget to:
Give priority to campaigns with
in last 30 days.

Budget Allocation Manager

To allocate your budget efficiently between several campaigns or shared budgets, please first select the relevant budgets in the below grid:

Set the
budget to:
Give priority to campaigns with
in last 30 days.


**** Budget Optimization Opportunities Settings

Limited Budget Settings

Adalysis identifies a budget is limited when its lost impressions due to budget (Lost IS budget) satisfies the below condition.

Account level settings

This setting applies to all budgets unless overridden below.

A budget capped alert will be triggered when:

% each day within any
consecutive days in the current month.

Budget level settings


A budget capped alert will be triggered when:

% each day within any
consecutive days in the current month.
Campaigns In Budget Alert Settings
Campaign 0 Limited budget alerts is trigered when Lost IS budget is over X% each day within any X days in the current month
Campaign 1 Limited budget alerts is trigered when Lost IS budget is over X% each day within any X days in the current month
Campaign 2 Limited budget alerts is trigered when Lost IS budget is over X% each day within any X days in the current month
Campaign 3 Limited budget alerts is trigered when Lost IS budget is over X% each day within any X days in the current month
Campaign 4 Limited budget alerts is trigered when Lost IS budget is over X% each day within any X days in the current month

**** Target monthly budget alerts and actions: Define Alert

Please note: The account spend will be monitored once an hour only. Hence, the account spend can be slightly different from your target budget at the time an alert or action is triggered.

Target Budget Alerts

You will see an alert on the dashboard. You can also choose to be alerted as follows:

Target Budget Actions

Note: You’ll need to re-enable the campaigns next month.

**** Custom Date Range Daily Calculator

Custom Date Range Daily Calculator

Use the form below to convert a budget for any data range to a daily budget value.


**** Budget History

Budget History

Month Allocated Budget Spend Spend Status Underspend Amount
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under
10% under

**** Edit Daily Budget

Edit Daily Budget

Campaign 1 Name

**** Performance Boost Chart: DemoCampaign 2

Performance Boost Chart: DemoCampaign 2

Your Lost Impressions Share due to budget (Lost IS budget) in the period of 01 June - 21 June is 9.77% and your Impressions Share is 59.82%. This means you can boost your performance by up to 16% if you eliminate the Lost IS budget.

Use the chart below to identify the most effective daily budget increase. Please note, the budget figures in the chat are the increase in the daily budget (and not the absilute value)

Effect of increasing daily budget on gaining more impressions, clicks and conversations in next 30 days.

Some caption
Daily Budget
Daily Budget




Daily Budget Increase

Enter to system